Review Process:
~ Once we receive a product we, as a family and individually, test products for the various companies.
~ We then contact the company to let them know what we think of the product.
~ After that I post an honest review about the products on one to three of my blogs.
~ I then send the company the URL to the review post so they may read it and give extra feedback to the companies that request it.
~ If for any reason we felt your product was just too poorly made/boring then I will tell you beforehand and you can choose whether or not to have the review posted. I will not attack the company or the product if this is the case. I will just point out the flaws, possibly make suggestions, and thank the company for the chance to review for them. I will not however lie about a product just to make a company happy. From what I've seen so far though I have no worries about the products. Sounds fair doesn't it?
If you are a company with a product that you would like some exposure on or a review of (small businesses especially welcome), feel free to email me at jocoiner[at] (email broken up for spam reasons. Please see sidebar for complete email).
To visit my Reviews Page (which contains my reviews to date), please visit HERE.
Family Stats and Information:
2 adults (1 male, 1 female)
Big B- 18 year old male
Sis- 15 year old girl
MonkeyBoy- 7 year old boy
Likes/Preferences: We are actually pretty mellow and open so whatever you've got, just send it our way and we'll make it fun!!
Thank you,
Jolene Coiner Burzycki
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